U.S. News & World Report and Best Lawyers ®, the leading surveyor of lawyers nationwide, has named McCorkle, Johnson & McCoy, LLP one of America’s Best Law Firms in 2013 in the area of Real Estate Law. McCorkle, Johnson & McCoy has received a Tier 1 ranking.
The U.S.News – Best Lawyers® “Best Law Firms” rankings are based on a rigorous evaluation process that includes the collection of client and lawyer evaluations, peer review from leading attorneys in their field, and review of additional information provided by law firms as part of the formal submission process.
Clients were asked to provide feedback on firm practice groups, using a scale of 1 (weakest) to 5 (strongest), addressing expertise, responsiveness, understanding of a business and its needs, cost-effectiveness, civility, and whether they would refer another client to the firm. Clients also had the option to write-in the names of law firms they’ve worked with on other matters and within practice areas beyond those they were asked to comment on by the submitting firm.
Lawyers voted on expertise, responsiveness, integrity, cost-effectiveness, whether they would refer a matter to a firm, and whether they consider a firm a worthy competitor. A principal enhancement to the methodology used to compile this year’s national rankings included a national ballot in addition to the metropolitan ballots. The national ballot was sent to a distinct, geographically diverse group of attorneys listed in Best Lawyers who have received consistently high peer review over the course of several years. We asked this group to vote on law firms that have a preeminent national presence within specified legal practice area(s) they know well. In addition to information from these surveys, the rankings incorporate the 4.3 million evaluations of 68,761individual leading lawyers collected by Best Lawyers® in its most recent annual survey.